Optical Characterization and Luminescence Kinetics

The laboratory specializes in characterization by optical spectroscopy methods and the study of photoconductivity of luminescent materials, mainly dielectrics doped with transition metals and lanthanide ions.

Optical Characterization and Luminescence Kinetics

The laboratory specializes in characterization by optical spectroscopy methods and the study of photoconductivity of luminescent materials, mainly dielectrics doped with transition metals and lanthanide ions.

The laboratory is equipped with specialized instrumentation and analytical infrastructure, which includes:

  • The PL 2143 A/SS laser and the PG 401/SH parametric optical generator. This system can generate 30 ps laser pulses, with a frequency of 10 Hz with wavelengths ranging from 220 to 2200 nm. The emission signal is analyzed by a Bruker Optics 2501S spectrometer and a Hamamatsu Streak Camera model C4334-01 with a final spectral resolution of 0.47 nm and a possible time range from 1ns to 10ms.
  • The FluoroMax-4P TCSPC spectrofluorometer produced by Horiba, containing Czerny-Turner monochromators for excitation and emission. An excitation source in this system was a 150-W ozone-free Xenon lamp. Fluorescence intensity was measured using an R928 Side-on photomultiplier.
  • The Andor SR-750-D1 spectrometer equipped with a CCD camera DU420A-OE type
  • The He-Cd laser with a wavelength of 442 nm or 325 nm and the DPSS lasers with a wavelength of 405 nm, 473 nm, 532 nm, 632 nm, 980 nm
  • The  QY C11347 Quantaurus-QY Absolute PL quantum yield spectrometer
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